Je docela skoda zes to zabalil, vypadalo to cool videl jsem pocet scen a sice ti jich jeste docela hodne zbyvalo ale moh jsi to klidne rozkouskovat do vice dilu, bylo to fakt perfektne naanimovany, vzal jsem si z toho inspiraci, skoda toho :(
Power Grid
coming this year, maybe, shuttup :P
Age 29, Male
Joined on 10/26/08
Je docela skoda zes to zabalil, vypadalo to cool videl jsem pocet scen a sice ti jich jeste docela hodne zbyvalo ale moh jsi to klidne rozkouskovat do vice dilu, bylo to fakt perfektne naanimovany, vzal jsem si z toho inspiraci, skoda toho :(
Ale proc porad takhle? Mela to byt dobra zprava :D
Ja jsem jen vypravel svuj pribeh pomoci madnessu, a to mi moc nesedlo. S vlastnim stylem bude vsechno presne podle me. Taky v akcnich scenach budu mit vetsi volnost. Jde mi hlavno o dojem, aby to vypadalo epicky. A pokud se ti muj dosavadni vytvor libil kvuli akcnim scenam(vlastne cela animace) a ne proto, ze to byl madness, bude to jeste lepsi.
(Doslo ti snad, ze koncim jen s madnessem, ne? :D)
jiste chapu, chces to udelat svym stylem, drzim ti palce jsem zvedav co z toho bude
I'm guessing its not madness. But will it be pointless and mindless killing? Or just some funny shit and guys getting hit by flying onions?
I currently have many ideas and I just can't decide what to realize. But if I wanted to literallly make ''pointless killing'', i would stay at madness. That's why i quitted it. It would be incredibly awkward to let so complicated storyline I created be told by madness guys. It wouldn't even be a tribute.
But killing? Definitelly. Watching amazing combat with smooth movement and having a hardcore music playing to it in the background... that's what I like XD But I know people here like simple flashes. You'll see.