I begun with Mad-N II at about New Year(28th December, exactly) and it has 774 frames now. I think/hope it will be until 100 days. I am surprised by my skills. Mad-N I was my first, FIRST animation, so this is my second(not too much) and it looks very good. I thought i will make "hexavision" - preview of six frames from it, but i think that there is no need to it. I know that first episode was boring, but the second will look as "some madness killing, about 50-80 dead people, any boss at the end, Kreyd must survive(HE IZ MAIN HERO !!!?:Dlol), some story at the end and "to be continued"." Maybe. You'll see it and I hope you will like it. Here you have some insignificant picture for the end(I could remove the borders but I think it looks better with them):
Edit: 1000 frames reached ! 11th January 2009
Edit: 2000 frames reaches ! 19th January 2009
To cerveny na podlaze smaz a bude to lepsi.A tomu vpravo umaztu modrou hubu.
Ja tam ty veci beru na nejakou vahu - tim myslim ze kdyz v jednicce to na zemi bylo a Gefuser mel tu hubu tak to ted nemuzu oddelavat, i kdyz to treba nevypada nejlip. I kdyby - vsechno to ma opodstatneni. (praskle kusy vnitrnich pantu na zemi, maska pro udrzovani tlaku kolem drzky pro dychani - prace s vakuem.)