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coming this year, maybe, shuttup :P

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The Great Rename

Posted by Coft - April 6th, 2009

...is done !!! Check Mad-Ns' names now. OK, I will no longer write N, it's Mad-n now for showing its philosophical, physical and rational character. It will be better for searching, separating among seasons and for integration of numeration. Completely Roman, now. So it means... that Adoptio - sorry - "1st Adoptio - Preview" 's description now lies !!!! Muhahahaha... XD

You can still title it by it name after the dash.

Also... I'm at about 2900 frames, now. I'm animating hard and fast madness now, so it(animating) isn't so fast. I hope I'll reach 4000 frames this month.

From the first day when I created Mad-n II, I'm writting how much I made frames every day. It's made in Excel, so I'll release it when Mad-n II will be done. I get from it that it's 6th today and also... it's exactly 100 days from the day when i begun the work. YOHOOO !!! ... and I thought that it will be done ...

And this is the next point... when it will be done... It's sad, but MAYBE it will not be done until MD09. In any case, it will be on MD. Maybe 09, maybe 10. XD I still do not know.

I know that you don't know what can you be excepting from me. Mad-n I was crap. This is going to... rule ? If you want to describe it, OK. I am still not very good in making machines, things, etc. The quality of moving is good now, it's very good in fact. Accuracy,... very good. No missing feet, shots, blood, clips are everywhere. And speed ? I am making it "slow" in the... "Flash editor", it's generally at about 14 fps there. So in the flash player... WOW. I'll make some "hexavision" as I said in January before the MD ??.

And, about the musics... there will be about five musics. Three are secret, one is made by me and one... it's possible that it will be from one of the Krinkels's craps XD.

And, if you want a screenshot, here it is. Frame 63 from the 7th scene - code name "7 - Techno Room". Mad-n II has about 13 kills now. Comment, please.

EDIT: 3000 frames reached !!! 10th April.

The Great Rename


Az na Madness day09 ? Vydej to driv jsem zvedavej jak ses polepsil... :D

Necetl jsi to ? Budu rad kdyz to bude na MD09 jako na minimalnim limitu, pokud nehodim nejake turbo ve stylu KILL REAL LIFE ANIMATING RULEEZ !!!!... tak to uvidis na dalsi MD, tedy za rok a pul XD
hlavne ale potrebuju "betatestery", nevim jak to jinak pojmenovat, zkratka hledat chyby, poustet si to frame-by-frame ctrl+sipka atd....
na tohle ti to klidne poslu driv.
v posledni dobe dost makam, takze neco kolem 30 snimku za vsedni den a asi 50 o vikendu, ale vzhledem k tomu, ze delka celeho videa se blizi Mad-n I (asi 9 minut) a vetsina z toho je hard madness - pohyb 3-7 madnessaku najednou - nemam sanci to stihnout. dosud jsem delal jen vicemene duely a tria, kdy si to nepratele Kreyda navzajem kazili XD no co, tak asi az za rok...

Jinak preji vysokej uspech.. At se ti ten tvuj Tribut vyvede :D

S mymi ne-zas-tak-spatnymi schopnostmi a s pribehem, ktery je k tomu naplanovany snad ani neni mozne, aby zustal bez odezvy :P. (fakt bez sebechvaly)XD

The guy whos lookin at the camera is liek "Heeeey! what's up?"