As I wrote three months ago... three months ? It's like a day and new edition, ARB, is legal. I'll write in July with Zendikar...
Final date !!!
Mad-n II - It's impossible(really!) to have it done this Madness Day. So, see it at 21th September 2010. This MD, I'm going to submit another project. Just an idea among thousands of the other, but realised, because it will be fast(for creating), good, original. Here you have a screen. The only thing what do I need is decompiled MC9 and some music. It's easy to find music here. MC9 is the real problem. I don't need sprites. I need animation, frames, and my computer doesn't have enough memory. I can do it as a straight of PNGs ( X ), or I can choose the frames and export them. It creates a *.fla for each frame. Each frame has about 600 layers(original maybe 40, but decompilled...). So, when I copy each set of layers and paste it to some symbel, and in the final, it can take me tens hours and create 10 000 layers slow to play ( X ). I need somebody...
22nd May - It's right a month after creating the project's *.fla file. Bus done, created some scenes, added some kills... at about 15%. GIVE ME MC9 PLEASE !!!
3th June - The 1700-frame beginning is completed. Now animating more and more kills. There will be a new post on Saturday.
Here's some frame from the beginning of the animation. The bus isn't done. It needs more sophisticated background and more people.
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