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coming this year, maybe, shuttup :P

Age 29, Male


Joined on 10/26/08

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About: Audio

Posted by Coft - April 6th, 2010

Account level up. Awkward 'md09' removed, icon is now +150% more cool... ELDRAZIFTW

I am here again. This time, it will be grandiose. Finally something is happening. At least for you.

1) The website is here.
Just bluffin'. It is dead.
It needed to many articles(in two languages), a trusty webhoster (the best I found was X10Hosting, but you would not be able to see it),... I wanted to make it in flash. Any other looking would not be so good, but also it meant it is far harder to finish it(all the frames on timeline without any order). It would look like this. Good message for you? The 'more about my flashes' will come here. I'll find a month when there is nothing I have to tell you and I'll write for example, about production of some flashes, about my audio tries, about the list of all ATA jokes and about its secrets...

2) Except for the webpage, there is another thing I should work on. Madness Accumulation Collab 2. It was in progress for a while... but then stopped. Mad-n II's day is too near and I want to leave the 'can I make it in time?' border. Its idea is quite nice, its time is going to be probably in May.

3) Website - dead. So where can I update the info about Mad-n II's progress? I think I have to put it here......

04/25/2010 (I'm sorry, I finally opened the file after two weeks and it looks like a fatal time loss...)

(Support me by checking the texts - not 100 % correct English, also the fullscreen mode probably does not work, I'll take a look at it)
Menu - 257 frames - 0 kills - 682 kB - 100 % - FINISHED
Scene 1 - 2051 frames - 7 kills - 1217 kB - 100 % - FINISHED
Scene 2 - 1830 frames - 12 kills - 2009 kB - 100 % - FINISHED
Scene 3 - 3890 frames - 21 kills - 2260 kB - 100 % - FINISHED
Scene 4 - 955 frames - 14 kills - 1225 kB - 26 %
Total - 8983 frames - 54 kills - 7393 kb(won't be so big, some files are shared) - 56 %
My time for it (remaining) - 61/240 days (yeah, I can make it because I was very lazy)

Target(crude guess):
Menu + 10 Scenes
15000 - 22000 frames
80 - 110 kills
9000 - 14000 kB
100 %
...on 24th June at 1:37 PM EST (NG time)

This is not just an update. OK, it is. Last time I said something about Mad-n II's progress was 6th April 2009. After that, you knew nothing. Yeah, that's an update.

4) This is called 'about audio'. So here's something about Mad-n II's audio:

Sounds - I use the same as before. They are all from Madness Combat series - I decompiled some of them, the rest is from Wibumba's sound pack. I did not know which sounds should I use for weapons, but I am building up a *.fla with guns, rounds, shots and their shot sounds for me - at least I started to actually understand them. The newest change in my sound collection is a choice of some new sounds from MC5.5. They sound strange, but they fit in it. The only interesting fact about sounds from Mad-n II is that I created some of the sounds. Exactly - I only create sounds for my own weapons. It is the plasma gun and the 'blue magic whip' from Mad-n I. In Mad-n II, there are two new submachine guns. I created sounds for them by mixing some random records, some noise I make and some sounds I 'draw' in Audacity. I sometimes add an effect from The Sound Effects Library. I must thank them, check it out if you need something, it is the best internet library I found, there's everything. It helped me even for some random needs like 'a modern mechanical gate' and 'generator buzzing'.

Music - Nothing to say. Except for the fact I made one of them (already submitted to Audio Portal, waiting for approval - do not except anything cool, it is more than a year old and it was made in demo -> no saving -> one day to mix it), all the musics... are... just... so here they are:

SineRider - Lovely Tings
MasterMeCash - Techno Motion
Dj-Fanta5t1c - Nastay(anarchy)
YouriX - -:YRX:-MachinRAa Black Steel
The Juke Bottle Casino - Gone Guy
PearlDrummer516 - Decibus
Timber-Wolf - Feels Like Nails
Coft - Wake Up (finally...)

And a screen for the end.

About: Audio


Awesome madness shot.

nice gun

Nice menu :3.
Misspells I caught: Mashine is machine
ar is are

hey whats the main theme music for A Tricky Animation?

You're +- the sixth one asking for this...
I heard it on last.fm or such site, the music was there in form of a video. In fact I didn't find its mp3 version anywhere, so the soundtrack used in ATA was recorded from it:
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yN lXRZv7VEE
Made by Cheshyre. Also I uploaded the recorded version here:
http://uploading.com/files/m8574d 6m/ode.mp3/

heeey nice to hear that coft! but your really gonna do 15.000-22.000 frames?

thats insane mang, well good luck. cya around.

The only big problem I could find is this- HOW YOU CONSTANTLY SET THE QUALITY TO LOW BY DEFAULT! That feature is VERY annoying, so please don't use it!! Spelling could probably be fixed too, but I could care less about that. On the other hand, epic screenie =D.....

OK, new rule for me:

''Audience has far better computer than you.''

Should I also stop using images instead of animation when there is a blur effect and camera moves ? Ok, no joking... but this one is going to be corrected.
I'll upload it... one day...

''Spelling could probably be fixed too, but I could care less about that...''

That's the reason of uploading it there; are there any errors in the texts ? I'm glad you only find problems in spelling, I excepted that some of the sentences are totally English-wrong and un-understandable :D