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coming this year, maybe, shuttup :P

Age 29, Male


Joined on 10/26/08

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About: Animation

Posted by Coft - May 6th, 2010

Some news again... bad news. Not ''bad'', but less ''good'' than I hoped...

1) Maybe I'll start rating months. Why? The last one was terrible. In January, I made a plan/timeline for Mad-n II's progress. This is not the bad scenario, but I am making done a scene which would be done two months ago in the good scenario. My laziness and absence of motivation gave to +/- 20 days zero frames done. April gets 2/10 from me. That leads to the next point. I finally got back to animating, but this was...

2) ...fatal. Mad-n II on 24 June? Not likely. I am really sorry, I'll delay it to...
(to be continued)

3) Before telling you about the new plan, here are some other changes:
3)a) Madness Day project canceled due to Mad-n II's slow progress. Enjoy it next year.
3)b) The logic is easy. Mad-n II needs more time, MD project canceled gave me time. But these do not equal. I think there will be some free time left... so I joined Madness Desintegration 3. It kinda looks like my madness-collab-aversion is disappearing... but I simply think that it is ugly to watch so many good animators spend their time by making madness collabs instead of making some own original movies. But don't I make some? But also this collab is going to be SO good XD...

4) Back to my work:
Day of release: When it's done. This won't lead to the massive delay like last year. This is a new plan for me:

- Finish Mad-n II - Scene 5. (Making this now - 1263 frames, 35%)
- Make a collab part to Madness Accumulation 2.
- Make a collab part to Madness Desintegration 3.
- Make the rest of Mad-n II, submit it. XD
There's more to happen in next months. But won't I make a post in June? I will. And future plans will be truer after 31 days than now. At least this plan shows that my movie's progress is nearly straight, its publication is unsure but you will not wait so long after the original date.

5) About: Animation
No picture shows you anything about the movement, effects and animation in Mad-n II. There's just one important thing: It looks crappy from the beginning, in fact scenes 1 and 2 are both from the beginning of 2009. But I think I have already spoken about this some time. Ok... after that, it looks as good as I am at animating now. And I think that is not too bad :D It is hard to fill a movie both with story and action. There are already some texts, not dialogues yet.
Madness part - Scenes 1 - 7 - cca 15,000 frames
Epic part - Scenes 8 - 10 - cca 6,000 frames
The only change I made in animating is increasing fps from 26 to 30 and making some blood animation sprites after being tired from a guy being shot for the seventh time... wait, didn't I write about this in About: Graphic? Ah, I totally dunno what interesting could I say about animation by static texts and screens!

The next month is going to show you more about it... because I won't leave this giant flash without a preview...

Due to slow progress in April, there's no new room I could make a screen from. So here's something from the beginning:

About: Animation


Good to have an update! But do you think Mad n II just MIGHT end up being your MD2010 flash? Please do tell the answer to that AND what you were originally PLANNING to make for it. Whatever the answers may be, do NOT give up on this project!!

Yeah, you're true. My plan for this year was quite outright, but after this month it got pretty crazy. One of the most probable possibilities was what I wrote here, but I also thought about Mad-n II being my MD10 flash. Now when I think about it again... I should have written about it. Let's just wait...

About original MD10 project - I wrote 'cancel', because 'delay to next year' would sound stupid. The seconds one is right. I started it during Christmas 2009 and, with Mad-n II and two collabs, I would need at least 100 more days between MD10 and now to also finish this. And what I was planning... I do not know if I want to tell it... Ok, at least this: Just look at my two Arts, when they were submitted and when the MD10 project was in progress. The flash is based heavily on it :D

ooh :C

well good luck with those all things

Release this at the 27th of June :P. My birthday :P.

LOL, nice. 24th June wasn't chosen as any other random day... it's MY birthday XD...

Oww... Great xD. Just 3 days :P.

and what of the part? hows it going?

The 'end of May' guess looks quite true. As said in this post, I am making Mad-n II now, but I'll just do what I like to do. The thing about animating a collab part which grims me most is the size of my part. I have an idea for it, but I simply have to realize that the point of collab is it is built from short parts, and the 'short' is the reason why people (probably) make it. With my part not so long as it was going to be, I might finally enjoy making it.

Coft responds:

LOL, nice. 24th June wasn't chosen as any other random day... it's MY birthday XD...

If that's so, then how old will you be this year?

If you think the age information on this page is lying, it isn't. I'll be 15.

(eh... that sounds so stupid. Simply, I mean it is weird you ask for a public info)

Happy birthday, good age dude. I lol'd at Zunder's ''Another year closer to death..''. XD

I know this month was terrible! Dio died, Paul Gray died, Gary Coleman died, I fucked up school and have to do tons of stuff at home. This month gets a 0/10!!

I so understand you. Having deadlines is shit >:( And thinking "I will make 200 frames today" will probably end up with 20. And you're also having a lot of things to finish. I really hope the animation is going quite well and not like the last month :/
Good luck!

um whos that guy with the brown coat?

Do you mean ''is he an important character''? He isn't. I call them LPMI Soldiers, they look different and that's nearly all, just like ATP Agents in Madness Combat. More about characters here:

http://www.newgrounds.com/dump/it em/a191208371c062c6681baa7afacfaf a7