I spent two months coding. The game still looks like this, so no graphic progress so far.
But it's 10 times faster. YEAH. I put so many little tricks into it to get flash's maximum. (3,000 lines of code)
I think I need a clever system for projectiles and aiming and stuff. Goal: Algorithm to hit a moving object with an object with acceleration / set the direction of acceleration of a moving object to hit a moving object XD
The result: Quartic equation. I spent this weekend trying to get a 100% working quartic equation solver in flash, but I failed and "cheated it". But it works the same way.
It is hilarious,... no, funny and challenging. I don't think a fair missile system can get any smarter than this:
Homing missile test.
(Controls: Mouse)
CZ: Zajimavy test... Jen tak dal. ses dobrej 3000radku bych nevypsal xD nebot nevim ani jak ty prikazy tam funguji ve flashi.. :D
ENG: Great work.