Hello Newgrounds :)
I've posted very little during recent years, mostly because I kept improving my programming skills, preparing for a comeback as a game developer. I did tons of tests though, projects where I just tried out new things. Some of them are not so bad, check them out if you want to.
Ancient madness animations(ErMa was before I even had an account here):
- Error Madness 3
- Error Madness 4
- Error Madness 6
- Unfinished Collab Part 1
- Unfinished Collab Part 2
- Madness Accumulation 2
Some coding:
- A tricky game - Menu
- A tricky game - Level 1 (Arrow keys, A)
- Some PK Game (WASD, IJKL...)
- Sun
- Earth
- Vactom (Flash CPU 3D, WASD & be careful with your cursor)
- Quartic projectiles
- Force field
- Water (Flash GPU 3D simulation, download and double-click for fullscreen)
- 3D Destructible Terrain (WASD, cursor, click, shift, space to jump, V to fly, M to change terrain mode)
A flash shooter, codename "chronobot":
Here's a project that I finished high school IT with:
I've once again set up all the social networking stuff, links to the left, I have no idea what they're about but I feel obliged to learn to "tweet" and all. Depending on what college brings I may or may not do something in the near future. See you later.
tak to bylo hustý :D :D ten bike je pěkně nakreslenej a ten part do accumulation 2 je zahulovej xD, jinak jde videt ze opravdu znalost v kodovani umis az dost dobre :) opravdu pekne spracovany a je skoda spousty nedokoncenejch veci. jsem zvedav na nejaky tvuj budouci finalni vyrobek. urcte se maj na co vseci tesit. good luck
Dik moc :) uz abych zacal.