Ten, really ten
Base: 5
(0) Sometimes too hard, so a bit frustrating, but a noob player isn't your mistake.
(0) Primitive game style, maybe plus, maybe minus, but easy to play
(0) In a pixel game, graphic was right
(+1) Nice map, i like the related screens
(+2) AWESOME "play again" mode. No "Game over", no" Play again, move mouse", i can play immediately
(+2) AWESOME menu after I won the game for the first try. It is just genial. Sometimes a game has some medals for reaching something in it, but shows you nothing. Here, time race shows time, normal mode nothing and one try does not spawn the pig in every screen again, so a player reaching the "no accidents" medals has not to quit the game and play it again. BTW why so dangerous terrain near "try once" ? lol I died in the menu screen. XD
Good work, guy. If this was your goal, you reached it perfectly. This could be lost without the fast elements of the game.
But it could need a screen counter. X(