OK, it's the sixth, so... mmm... 47 days until THE MADNESS DAY.
Some news:
Time to finish - two weeks
Hmm... Nothing new in real.
- Accumulation collab - Yeah, I joined and begun making something 400-500 frames long. I put a character from Mad-n II (so unreleased yet) as the main character there. LPMI agent, if you want to know. I turned him into a zombie, which could never happen in Mad-n.
Time to finish - three days (?)
6th, after some hours - Some work, but still tiping three days, the work is slower then I thought.
6th, another hour - 140 frames reached with main character. Doing others' move :D
I have enough ideas to submit something on madness day every year. No Mad-ns here, it gives less chance to get a good place and replaces my awesome preloaders. XD. Mad-n II needs a lot of work to be finished, but you will get something other this year, exactly on 22-24 December, I don't know yet...
Mad-n Ire !!!
When watching Mad-ns sometime in the future, I can't believe what... it's just terrible. Mad-n 1re will be more madness, awesome and - SHORT. Not 12 minutes, 4 only. Could be really done this year, time unknown, i have done +/- 70 frames yet. XD
So, I hope I'll have this things done fast. I will write when I finish something. I wish that I will be only doing Mad-n Ire and II at the next sixth. I really don't won't to do MD09 submits at the last time...
6th - Some collab's progress, 3-4 days remaining.
7th - Not much done, but at 200 frames. Quality is really enormous, done 5 kills / 9, time to be done 2-3 days.
8th - Done some missing heads, feet and hands. Also playing with water :D. At 225 frames, time to be done still 2-3 days. One to finish the animation, one to finish 70% of missing things (XD) and maybe one to finish that what I didn't do in the second day. It looks like it really takes 4 days. I just remove a day once per two days XD.
9th - Too much details to finish. Still 2-3 days. Sorry. X(. At 350 frames, lenght will be 450-500 frames.
10th - Finished the animation !!! Lol no... OK, it is done. Exactly, main character is done. Exactly, main character's body is done. Exactly, main character's body's movement is done, no blood by shots in the last 100 frames. XD But now I know that the final lenght is... 570 frames !!! Could be done in 2 days.
17th - Silly news. Medieval Rampage finished, but i didn't get 100 achievements medal, so it made me too angry to play Epic War 3. Finally back at flash XD. Characters movement nearly done, effects remaining, could be done tomorrow.
18th - Again, too much details to finish. Tomorrow, in real I hope.
19th - Not so much things to finish, maybe done today. Missing - Blood effects, chains on hero's hands, sounds, some minutes of watching again and again to fix it. OK, not today. But these details may take only 2 hours or so.
21th - YAY !!! Doing the chains now. 99.996 % done today, I may die of course.
25 days until MD09
Working on "A tricky animation", of course. It CAN be done on MD09, but i must work hardly and don't be lazy.
19 days until MD09
Updated preloader to MD09 preloader, pure madness will be finished today or tomorrow, bossfights won't take so long time. New post on Sunday.
Collab size: 1,25 MB (OH-SHI ... the water texture.)
Tricky animation size: 8,85 MB
OK, here: (Zoomed, of course)